Calming the Sugar Monster

Growing up as an only child for 9 years, my favorite form of exercise was chasing the doughnut truck. I was lonely and chubby and missed a lot of school due to GI & respiratory illness. I craved the doughnut dopamine high that elevated me out of depression and loneliness. As I matured, I discovered healthier ways to raise my mood and energy such as bicycling and dance. Now in my 70’s, I enjoy hiking, Qigong and lifting light weights to build bone.

This winter, I immersed myself in writing a gluten-free holiday cookbook, meticulously testing every recipe. Despite replacing white cane sugar with healthier alternatives, the calories stuck to my body. Left with tempting sweet leftovers in the freezer, I found myself caught in the cycle of the ‘sugar high.’  Inflammation, particularly in my belly, became evident, and my once-gentle personality grew agitated. Even though I am trained in nutrition and know the dangers of sugar, I still experienced addictive sugar detox cravings when I tried to stop feeding the Sugar Monster. I realized that sugar was slowly consuming ME.

Scientific studies have shown that sugar is even more addictive than cocaine. It acts as a Trojan horse that lures you like a false friend until it has its hooks on you. Sugar has been linked to depression and inflammation, creating a vicious cycle. The impact of simple carbs, like sugar, extends beyond affecting blood sugar levels and adding body fat, potentially leading to “diabesity.” It can increase risk for heart attack or stroke, disrupt sleep patterns and impair your memory and concentration. Some experts believe sugar even feeds cancer.

Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are particularly vulnerable to the effects of sugar. We often turn to it as a form of self-medication, seeking temporary relief from stress. However, the reality is that sugar induces inner chaos, triggering inflammation and blood sugar roller coasters that contribute to anxiety and depression. Flavors you deeply savored may become muted when the Sugar Monster takes control (think Jim Henson’s Cookie Monster).

By inviting delicious healthy foods into my regular diet and spending time in meaningful activity, I’m kicking the Sugar Monster.  My energy is increasing, I’m losing weight and brain fog has lifted. Would you like to join me in saying NO to the Sugar Monster? We can do this…to save our lives!

                   Start regaining control and getting your life back in this fun live Zoom class. Presented by Master Certified Health and Food Psychology Coach, Christine Magnussen.


“Calming the Sugar Monster” starts April 17, 2:30-3:30pm PT!


We’ll meet three Wednesdays: April 17, 24 & May 1 from 2:30-3:30.


Preliminary 20-minute individual consultation included! – All just $66

In this class, you will:
  • Discover your favorite healthy foods
  • Uncover hidden facts about sugar
  • Gain insights on food shopping
  • Get easy, delicious recipes to feed your brain
  • Make sample menus suited to you
  • Have fun!

and more!

Find out more about being an HSP, Coach Christine, and how health coaching can help you.

Register by March 25 at: christine @ to schedule your free consult!

My training in Food Psychology says it’s not only what you eat that matters, but also how, where and with whom that affects your relationship with food.  Here’s to more energy and vitality, a clearer and calmer mind and a good night’s sleep! 😴


Image by Patrick Fore/Unsplash