It is never too late to be healthier and happier!
Experience quality, uninterrupted sleep
Find new energy
Radiate positivity and feel less stressed
Get motivated to move your body
Christine Magnussen
Master Certified Health Coach
Welcome! I am Coach Christine. I specialize in working with Baby Boomers to help you create lasting habits and more joy through fun movement, healthy eating and improved attitude to support you in being your happiest and healthiest.
Online classes
The PrimeTime Vitality Club is designed especially for highly sensitive (HSP) women 60+.
Next session begins Sept. 25!
Does your spirit want nurturing?
Do you want to reduce inflammation to prevent pain and disease?
Are you dealing with:
Ongoing stress?
Low energy & poor stamina?
Foggy brain?
Trouble sleeping?
Digestion problems
We’ll meet 5 times on Zoom (every other week) + weekly emails.
READ the DETAILS here! and sign up below for free newsletter & more details!
Contact me for a free consultation or to learn more about how I can help you achieve ultimate wellness.
Serving clients via Zoom.
Start at 6:49:00 for Coach Christine's interview: Positive Aging & Highly Sensitive People
A holistic approach to wellness starts with…
How we live
How we move
How we think
How we eat
… understanding how your Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition choices integrate and set the stage for your overall health. As a Master Certified Health Coach, I can show you simple steps that will help you take charge of your health and achieve optimal wellness.
Check out the Master Health Club below!
GRAB MY FREE Guide to Simply Super Salads
and sign up for my newsletter & info about the PrimeTime Vitality Club!
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Prime Time Vitality Club
Feel ZEST for life! Join the PrimeTime Vitality Club! Designed especially for highly sensitive (HSPs) ages 60+ by Master Certified Health Coach,...
Calming the Sugar Monster
Growing up as an only child for 9 years, my favorite form of exercise was chasing the doughnut truck. I was lonely and chubby and missed a lot of school due...
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?
I am a highly sensitive person and am among the 25% of the population who are HSPs. We are deeply touched by music and nature, are easily overstimulated,...